kidsport windsor
The KidSport™ is to help overcome financial barriers that exist in families so that all kids have the opportunity to participate in organized sport and experience the benefits of active living. This is accomplished by providing financial support for registration fees and/or equipment purchases through grants that go directly to the families in need. It is through support from KidSport™ that the children who are the least likely to have the opportunity to play now have hope.
Company Overview
KidSport™ was established in 1993 because of an identified need by leaders in the sport community. They witnessed too many children on the sidelines because of financial barriers. Since that time, KidSport™ is going strong throughout Canada with over 170 local community volunteer chapters in 11 provinces and territories.
In the Community
The KidSport™ Windsor/Essex County Chapter was launched by the Windsor/Essex County Sports Hall of Fame (WECSHOF) in 2012 in collaboration with the Department of Parks & Recreation at the City of Windsor. It’s very successful kick-off was the “KidSport™ Windsor/Essex County Family Day Event” at the WFCU Centre on February 18th, 2013. Over 300 Children and 10 local sports organizations participated in a fun afternoon of sport, at no cost!
Inspiring children to healthy active living and excellence is the goal of volunteer Board members belonging to both KidSport™ Windsor/Essex County and WECSHOF in collaboration with various community partners.
KidSport™ Windsor/Essex County is supported by special events and donations. This gives the Windsor-Essex community and the WECSHOF’s inductees the opportunity to give back to those less fortunate. The result is an exceptional lifetime experience shaping a child’s participation in sports.
General Information:
KidSport™ Windsor/Essex County
C/O: The Windsor/Essex County Sports Hall of Fame
832 Lauzon Rd.
Windsor, ON
N8S 3M5
P: 519-974-0913
Fax: 519-974-2176

In addition to supporting a regional sports heritage organization, WECSHOF Membership benefits include: voting privileges at the AGM, annual newsletter, special event notifications, opportunities for volunteerism, and membership discount on product and apparel. “Become the Legacy”, today!
For more volunteer information, please contact:
Phone: 519.974.7979 EXT. 4672