Special awards | CLubs | 2000

The Mic Mac Club originated in 1917, to sponsor and promote sports team participation in baseball and football, for young men in the neighbourhood of Park and Church streets. Out of this neighbourhood group grew the real Mic Mac organization, and in the summer of 1918 they formed a baseball team and during the fall season they put together a football team. During the succeeding years up to the late 1930’s, the Mic Mac Club sponsored softball, basketball, baseball, bowling, football and hockey teams. Mic-Mac teams became very well known, but most of their activities were in the Border Cities area, which at that time included Detroit.
The football and hockey teams were very successful. In football the Mic Macs were Border Cities’ champions for several years, including a three-year undefeated record in senior or unlimited weight class, against local and Detroit teams in the mid 1920’s. Some of the Detroit teams that oldtimers may remember were: Duster A.C., Oakwood Blue Jackets, Selfridge Field Fliers, and Pinegree A.C. The Mic Macs competed in O.R.F.U. Intermediate competition in 1926, and the Sr. O.R.F.U. against Sarnia Imperials, Hamilton Cats, and Toronto Argonauts in 1929. Three of the stars for the football teams during this era were quarterback Leo “Tatters” Girard, and running backs Bert Foote and Noah Jubenville.
Hockey was the most successful Mic Mac team from a championship standpoint. In 1930-31 Mic Macs won the O.H.A. Senior “B” title, defeating the Belleville Cheerios in the finals, then lost to the Hamilton Tigers in the Ontario Senior Finals, as the Tigers earned the right to go on to compete for the Canadian Championship and the Allan Cup. Members of the Mic Macs that season, coached by “Pick” Hines, were goalie Les Tice, defencemen Bert Foote and Robbie Robson, forwards Mickey Drouillard, Norval Fitzgerald, Gord Anderson, “Clicky” Fauria, Jimmy Sullivan, a player named Irwin, and two brothers named Patterson.
In 1931-32 the Mic Macs won the O.H.A. Intermediate title, defeating Toronto Doherty A. C. in the Finals. Members of that team were goalie Charlie Teno, defencemen Bert Foote and Roger Proulx, forwards George Hastie, Robbie Robson, “Red” Kennedy, Bill Boyd, “Clicky” Fauria, Al Todd, Clarence Drouillard, Archie Stinchcombe. The coach was “Pick” Hines.
They returned to Senior “B” competition in 1932-33, losing in the second round of the playoffs to the Hamilton Pats. In 1933-34 they captured their second O.H.A. Senior “B” championship, defeating the Stratford Indians in the finals. They were losers in the Ontario Senior Finals to the Hamilton Tigers, whose lineup included future NHL Hall of Famer Hector “Toe” Blake. Members of the 33-34 Mic Macs, coached by Graham Reid were, goalie “Mets” Skaleski, Bert Foote, Roger Proulx, Robbie Robson, “Red” Kennedy, Gord Anderson, Bill Boyd, “Red” Curren, “Red” Stapleford, and Archie Stinchcombe. The Mic Macs also won four consecutive Bordier Cities (Windsor vs Detroit) Amateur Hockey Titles, 1929-32.
Lest we forget, members of the Mic Mac Athletic Club contributed to the War efforts, as many wore the King’s uniform in the 1914-18 conflict, and it is estimated that well over 50% of the younger Mic Mac generation of the time, served in the Royal Canadian Navy, Army, Air Force, Merchant Marine, in the 1939-45 show.
Time eventually takes all athletes out of active participation in sports, and the Mic Mac name almost disappeared from the public eye in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. However, a group of oldtimers continued to meet annually and by the spring of 1944 there was sufficient support to reorganize properly, and under the direction of the first President of the re-organized Club, R. M. “Bert” Foote, they dedicated the future work of the Club to the promotion of youth sports for boys. It was then that sports programs for boys up to age 17 were launched. The first activity organized was a 10-team Baseball League made up of two teams from each of the five Wards in Windsor. This league still exits today. In 1962 the Mic Macs expanded their sponsorship when they organized a 6-team Junior Baseball League for boys age 17-20.
Since the new mandate in 1944, at various times, the Mic Mac Club has operated Baseball Leagues at the Bantam, Juvenile, Junior and Class “D”, (age 18-21) levels, and from time – to time, Mic Mac Leagues and/or teams have been affiliated with the Connie Mack and Babe Ruth organizations, American Amateur Baseball Congress, Ontario Baseball Association. Teams have appeared in numerous regional, provincial and national championships in Canada and the United States. Mic Mac teams have won 6 Canadian Championships, Connie Mack – 1969 (Mike Hurst-Manager), Junior – 1972, 78 (Bernie Soulliere-Manager), Juvenile – 1977, 78 (Harry Lumley- Manager), Junior – 1979 (Mike Morencie-Manager).
Since 1975 the Mic Mac Club has operated Baseball Leagues at the Bantam, Juvenile and Junior Levels hosting numerous Provincial and National Championships. They have also hosted the World Youth Baseball Championships in 1986, 1987, 1993. The Club has also contributed financially to the upgrading of facilities at the Mic Mac Park Complex.
In 1971 an annual Mic Mac Golf Tournament was initiated, for three age classes, Midget, Juvenile, Junior. It was appropriately named the “Howard Riggs” Memorial Tournament, in recognition of his many years of dedicated service to the Mic Mac Club. In 1996 a Junior Girls competition was added to the Tournament.
In addition to the 10-team Junior Baseball League, and the Golf Tournament, the Mic Mac Club also currently sponsor a Minor Hockey and Football team, at an annual approximate cost of $30,000.
The Mic Mac Club has always been non-sectarian organization comprised of professional, business, industrial leaders, and working men.
The individuals who deserve a huge amount of the credit for the success of the Mic Mac Club are the Coaches and Managers, as they make an enormous commitment, spending many many hours away from their families, and sacrifice other pleasures to work with young boys. The continued success of the Club is also largely due to the tireless efforts of the Members, along with volunteers who help raise the funds.
Most importantly, the Mic Mac Club has given the young men and women who have gone through their programmes, the opportunity to acquire such character traits as teamwork, dedication, hardwork, respect, perseverance, that will make them productive and good citizens in society.
The Mic Mac Motto “Boys Busy in Sports, Keep out of Courts”