Special Awards | Clubs | 2004

Windsor Athletic Association began sponsoring local sports in 1973. The association received their charter on May 22,1974. The Founding Charter Members were: Clayt Tourangeau (President and G.M.), John Bedard, John Biafore, Sam Cipparone, Don Daly, Pat Lucier, Jim Nelson, Brian Pape, Ron Poisson, Ron Thompson, Thomas Turner, Patricia Wiseman.
Those who have served as WAA President are Clayt Tourangeau (1973 – 82) , Patricia Wiseman (1983) Ron Smith (1984 – 2004). The first teams sponsored by WAA were Sr. Baseball in Essex County League, and Jr. Baseball in Mic Mac League, both in 1973. Some members of that first Senior team were Brian Plenderleith, Rick Bacon, Ron Smith, Ted Coombs, Gary Boismier, John Hodorowicz, Joe Lamantia.
WAA has sponsored teams in Windsor Minor Hockey since 1975, and currently contributes the sum of $6000 to sponsor an entire House league Division in Windsor Minor Hockey.
WAA has entered team in the Seaway Intermediate Hockey League for a few years, in the mid 1970’s. From 1979 to 1998 WAA entered a team in the Civic Hockey League. Coaching those teams were Bill Gibbs and Mike Erina.
In the late 1970’s, for several years WAA sponsored Jr. “C” Windsor Warlocks Lacrosse teams. WAA sponsored teams in Windsor Minor Lacrosse for several years in the 1980’s, and currently sponsor a Bantam (age 13-14) travel team, recent winners of an Invitational Tournament in Calgary.
WAA assisted in the founding of Essex County Girls Travel Basketball Association that competed in O.B.A. under 18 Midget & Juvenile Divisions, from 1988 – 91, winning three titles. Bruce Norris was Coach.
Windsor Wildcats Girls Fastball receives assistance from the WAA, through sponsorship of the under 17 team. WAA has provided assistance to the Windsor Wildcats Girls Hockey program since the year 2000. WAA has sponsored team in Mic Mac Jr. Baseball League the past 21 years. WAA has sponsored a Windsor Minor Football team the past four years. WAA has donated to AKO Jr. “B” Lacrosse the past two years. WAA sponsors two Sr. Baseball Teams – WAA, and Windsor Stars. WAA Sr. Baseball Team has won 2 Essex County League Championships. Windsor Stars – Can-Am Sr. Baseball League Champions – 2001, 2004. Windsor Stars – 2000 Canadian Sr. Men’s Baseball Champions. Alumni of WAA Baseball program, several of which received scholarships to USA Colleges, include Stubby Clapp, J. J. Evans, P. J. Richardson, Mike Czerwieniec, Dustin Wiley, Jeff Havens, Shaun Scott, Joe Donlon and Jody Brown
One of the most interesting and rewarding activities WAA offers is the Windsor Challengers Baseball program, also called “Buddy Ball”. It was initiated in 1999; the program’s mandate is to provide an opportunity to physical and mentally handicapped youngsters, and young adults, to play baseball weekly at Cullen Field, Mic Mac Park. A WAA member works with one of the players, taking he or she to their positions (in wheelchair if necessary), teaches them the fundamentals, how to hit, catch, throw, and make the right plays.
WAA hosts the Rick Wiseman Memorial Sr. Baseball Invitational Tournament annually. WAA has hosted 21 Ontario Sr. Baseball Championships. WAA hosted Canadian Sr. Baseball Championships in 2000, 1992. WAA hosted Sr. Division at 2003 Single Site Canadian Baseball Championships ( 7 Divisions competed) WAA donates to the Greater Windsor Baseball Association that administers the Windsor Selects program. WAA donates to City of Windsor for upkeep of the two Sr. baseball fields at Mic Mac Baseball Complex.
The current Executive Committee of WAA is comprised of: Ron Smith (President), Roger Seguin (V. P.), Brenda Smith (Treasurer), Chuck Lloyd (Secretary).
WAA is funded via Bingos, donations from Businesses, other organizations and Sports Clubs.
The number of WAA Active Members totals – 20. Also those who play for WAA and Windsor Stars Sr. Baseball teams are members.
Since 1973 WAA has contributed one million dollars in sponsorship of local sports.